Prepaid Open Enrollment ends soon. Enroll by April 30.Save Now
Limited Time Offer for Babies Ends April 30

We make saving for college simple &

Open Enrollment is now!

Two tax-free 529 Plans to save for education - choose one or both

Lock in plan prices starting at $29/mo.

Prepaid Plan

For 35 years, our Prepaid Plan program has been the largest, most successful in the nation.

  • Purchase a plan that locks in college tuition and most fees.
  • Fixed payments based on the age of your child.
  • Never lose your investment—guaranteed.
Enter child's birth date:

Savings Plan

Our Morningstar medal-winning Savings Plan also has some of the lowest fees in the nation.

  • Invest in a plan that covers educational expenses.
  • Save what you want, when you want.
  • Simple, intermediate and advanced investment options available.
Child's age: My Monthly Contribution:

Financial experts agree, 529 plans are the smartest way to save for college.

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Tax-free growth

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Use in-state or nationwide

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Transfer to another child or cancel anytime

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Complements scholarships and financial aid

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Gift contributions accepted

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Variety of school choices: university, trade, technical, etc.

Get the basics in 60 seconds.

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Basics of 529 Plans

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The Power of a Prepaid Plan

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Step Into a 529 Savings Plan

Resources at Your Fingertips

Want to learn more?
Whether you’re currently saving or just getting started on your college savings journey, we offer two of the best 529 plans for Florida families.
girl looking excited

Send a copy of the plan prices for your child born on BIRTHDATE for easy reference. Plan Prices are valid through April 30, 2025.

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Up to $850 OFF a 1-Year University Plan

Special pricing starting at $29/mo. ends April 30.

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