Learning Toys Perfect for Ages 0 to 4
As the holidays approach, most parents of small children will find themselves thinking about toys. (It’s inevitable — no matter how much you want to fight it.) The good news is that toys can do far more than just keep your child happy and entertained. They can also help keep little ones on track developmentally.
Research now shows that from birth to age 4, play is serious business. Whether it’s with cardboard boxes, wooden blocks or the latest Baby Einstein rattle, playing is how babies and toddlers learn about their world and develop the sensory, motor, cognitive and social skills they will need as they grow. Safe, well-designed toys can even help babies and toddlers move toward key milestones like sitting up, standing, walking and speaking.
To help you sift through the endless options, we consulted the experts and came up with some of the best learning toys to consider for the babies, toddlers and preschoolers in your life:
- Birth-6 Months. Young infants typically like to watch and reach out for the people in their lives, so fill their world with interesting textures and shapes — cloth dolls, chewable board books, teething toys and soft, squeezable stuffies. Interactive tummy time mats with bright colors, fun sounds and features that encourage babies to touch and turn and raise their head are also good options.
- 7-12 Months. Older infants are ready to move, and their toys need to be able to move with them. Walk-behind, wheeled push toys are perfect for babies who are standing and thinking about walking, but not quite ready to venture out on their own. For babies who like filling up containers and then spilling them out, try soft blocks, balls and nesting toys.
- 1 Year. These little ones are learning to speak, and books and music with rhymes and silly stories can go a long way toward developing language skills. They also enjoy coloring with non-toxic, washable markers, playing dress-up with costumes, toy phones, wooden puzzles with large pieces and most toys with knobs, buttons and dials.
- 2 Years. Toddlers are known for pushing boundaries, so safety is paramount. Soft balls for throwing, climbing tunnels and tumbling mats help them exercise both their growing muscles and minds. This age especially enjoys pretending with miniature kitchens with play food, construction sets with pint-sized tools, child-sized chairs and tables, and floating bathtub toys.
- 3-4 Years. Busy bees and full of questions, preschoolers still love to pretend, but now they can manipulate snap-together toys, hand puppets and hardback picture books. They also enjoy creating — with fingerpaints, modeling clay and sidewalk chalk. And don’t forget outdoor toys like balls for kicking, tricycles, dump trucks, plastic bats, balance bikes and wagons.
The secret to toy success? Have fun with it, be choosy and take the time to match your child with toys that are safe, fun and age and developmentally appropriate.
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