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Lower fees, more options = Big changes for our Florida 529 Savings Plan!

We’ve made some big improvements to our Florida 529 Savings Plan, a savings and investment plan which allows you to save at your own pace for college and K-12 education expenses. (Hint: If you like lower fees and more flexibility, keep reading!)

“Floridians now have access to a well-designed, low-cost college savings program.” – Morningstar, Inc.

First, a quick refresher on what a 529 Savings Plan is – a smart way to save for education expenses —and you decide how much and how often you invest. It offers tremendous tax benefits — specifically, that your earnings are tax-free when used for qualified education expenses.

We’re excited to say that our Florida 529 Savings Plan now features:

  • Reduced fees on all investment options, some by more than 70 percent
  • Expanded investment options now available, including four new static portfolios
  • Addition of well-known investment managers such as Vanguard, Dimensional Fund Advisors, and Eaton Vance
  • Enhancements to the investment allocations within our static and age-based funds
  • Redesigned website and savings tools to help you meet your college savings goals

All of these changes were designed with you in mind. We want it to be easier than ever for you to understand how the Savings Plan works, start a plan for your child, and enjoy lower fees to help you reach your savings goals faster.

What does this mean for you if you already have a Florida 529 Savings Plan? No action is needed, but you may see a change in the name of your investment fund or portfolio. Only four current investment options required transition to a new fund or portfolio, and these investments were automatically transitioned to the new option that best aligned with the goals and objectives of the original investment. Additionally, this conversion will not be viewed as one of your two allowable investment option changes in the current calendar year.

Chart showing which plans have moved

If you don’t already have a Florida 529 Savings Plan, today is a great day to start one! We also offer the Florida Prepaid College Plan, and the two plans work great together.

Both the Florida Prepaid College Plan and the Florida 529 Savings Plan are now offered exclusively for Florida residents. If you currently live out-of-state and already have a Florida 529 Savings Plan, you can remain in the enhanced program and enjoy all the new benefits. Or, if you live out-of-state but already have an active Prepaid Plan, you can add a new Savings Plan for that child as well. Please refer to the Program Description and Participation Agreement for further detail.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to save for college. With these two great plans, now is the time to put your child on the path to reaching their dreams!

Have questions? We’ve got answers! Explore our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our Prepaid Plans and Savings Plan. And click here to start your savings now!

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