For being Mom…We say thank you!
We usually use this space to geek out about anything related to paying for college. From exploring the technicalities of a 529 to sharing tips to help your child nail the SAT, we have a passion for getting students to and through college, poised for a lifetime of success.
Moms, we know you can relate! Your passion for your child blows anyone else’s out of the water. In your pursuit to raise your children well, you’ve worn so many hats: chef, chauffeur, nurse, personal shopper, disciplinarian, librarian. You were their first teacher, and you remain their consummate champion.
With Mother’s Day in mind, we at Florida Prepaid just wanted to take a minute to say that we see you, and that we appreciate you. No matter which hat you’re wearing. As this video says, “for being Mom — thank you.”
Have questions? We’ve got answers! Explore our Frequently Asked Questions (http://fpcb.wpengine.com/faqs/#basics) to learn more about our Prepaid Plans and Savings Plan. And click here ((https://customeraccess.myfloridaprepaid.com/selectpath.aspx) to start your savings now!