Prepay their Path to Success
Prepaid Plans let you lock in future tuition costs at today’s Plan prices, and we handle the rest—guaranteed.
Lock in plan prices starting at $29/mo.

In just 60 seconds, learn how you can enjoy the stress-free way to save for college.
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Benefits of Prepaid Plans
What does risk-free really mean?

Where can Prepaid Plans be used?
They can be used at schools nationwide. While designed for Florida public schools, the value we pay to other schools is the same as we would have paid to Florida schools.
See List of Schools.

How long can a Prepaid Plan be used?
They lock in coverage for a full 10 years AFTER your child’s projected high school graduation.

What if we move out of state?
Your plan travels too! It will pay the same amount as it would pay at a public college or university in Florida. Plus, if your child returns to a Florida school, the Plan qualifies them for in-state tuition. Bonus!

What if college prices are higher or lower than projected?
Win, win. Regardless of what college costs in the future, we’ve got you covered. If costs are less, you get a refund. If costs are more, we cover the difference.

How do I choose between a College or University plan?
You can choose the plan that’s right for your family’s budget and know that a college plan can be used at a university and a university plan can be used at a college. We just pro-rate the value in each situation.

What if my child receives a scholarship?
Great! You can use a Prepaid Plan to cover other college costs like grad school. Or get a refund for what we would have paid out on your plan and use that for housing, supplies, etc.

What if my child doesn’t go to college?
Plans can be transferred to another family member, or you can get a refund for what you paid for your plan.

How does plan pricing work?
Plan prices are less than what college is expected to cost in the future. Plan payments are invested by us to make up the difference. Our financial professionals estimate future college costs based on in-state tuition and fees, anticipated inflation, and historical usage patterns.

What if I already have a 529 Savings Plan?
It’s a great strategy to have both a 529 Prepaid Plan and a 529 Savings Plan to cover every cost your student will encounter in college— from tuition and fees to dorms, meal plans, computers and more.

Do I need to be a Florida resident?
Anyone can purchase a Prepaid Plan (parent, grandparent, aunt, etc.), however the child must be a Florida resident. Proof of residency will be required during enrollment.